Exam Proctoring

The Huntsville Library offers exam invigilation services for students wishing to write tests and exams. The service is available by appointment from Monday to Friday and is subject to staff and room availability. We may turn down a request if staff or a room is not available. The exam must not disrupt normal library activities.

Requirements For Exam Proctoring Service

  • Students must book services at least one week before the scheduled exam. It is up to the person to contact library staff directly to ask about available times. An exam is not officially booked until the student and/or the institution receives confirmation from library staff.
  • The exam and all relevant information must be received one week before the exam date (keeping in mind the timeline in which the student made the booking). The exam package must be sent directly to the library staff via mail or email from the issuing institution. The library will not be liable for any missing documents related to the exam. It is the responsibility of the person to check with the library one week before the exam date that all exam documents have been received from the institution.
  • The student writing the exam must arrive within 15 minutes of the start of the exam. Students can pay the exam fee at this time. Students can pay the exam fee with cash, credit or debit card.
  • The student writing the exam must show ID before the start of the exam.
  • Library staff will monitor students during exams at regular intervals.
  • If the institution does not provide a pre-paid envelope for returning the exam, the student must bear the cost of sending it back. The library is not responsible for any documents lost in the mail.
  • Online exams that need the installation of special software or modification to our computers cannot be invigilated.
  • The person taking the exam is responsible for informing the library one week before the exam if a library computer is required to take the exam.


  • $60.00
  • Return postage when applicable

Rescheduling and Cancellations

  • Rescheduling or cancellation requires 48 hours advance notice
  • A $5.00 rescheduling fee may apply in addition to exam-proctoring fees. 
  • Failure to show up for an exam will result in a forfeiture of future booking privileges.

Request Exam Proctoring

You will need to provide the following information:

  • Date and time of exam
  • Name of school issuing the exam
  • Format of the exam
  • Number of hours allotted to complete the exam
  • Any special accommodations required

For more details contact Debora Marshall at 705-789-5232 ex 3410 or email using the inquiry form below:

Email Debora Marshall

 Library Hours

Day Hours
Sunday  CLOSED
Monday 10 AM - 6 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 6 PM
Friday 10 AM - 6 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 4 PM


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