Interlibrary Loan

Are you looking for an item that our library does not have in its collection? We can borrow items from other libraries in Ontario for you through Interlibrary Loan.

You can request up to 5 interlibrary loans per month.

Log In to Your Account and Request Interlibrary Loans

Log In to Your Account or Search for Interlibrary Loans

  • Search for the item using the title, author's name or a combination of both.
  • Click on an item to display the catalogue details. You can also narrow your search results by using the left sidebar.
  • Submit your request using the link at the end of the description.
  • Sign in with an existing or create an account: You will be prompted to sign in after clicking the request link. If you don't have an account, you can create one. Be sure to make note of your username and password.
  • The details of your request will appear on the form. Click the Submit Button to complete your request.
  • You will receive an email confirmation if you provide an email address.

Create an Interlibrary Loan Account

All accounts using the previous software platform (INFOntario/Zportal) are no longer valid. All previous users must create a new interlibrary loan account using the current platform (OCLC D2D).

  • You will be prompted to either login or create an interlibrary loan account as soon as you make a request using the above link.
  • You will be setting your username and password for your interlibrary loan account. Be sure to make note of your username and password. If you have misplaced either, please contact the library.

Using Interlibrary Loan Guide (PDF)

View our Interlibrary Loan Help Guide (PDF)

More Information

Information for Book Clubs

Need extra copies of a book for your book club? You can use Interlibrary Loan to order books for your club.

  • Each book club member should be responsible for creating their own interlibrary loan account and ordering a copy of the book.
  • Books must be at least 1 year old (not a new release) to guarantee that interlibrary loan request will be fulfilled.
  • Books that are in high demand (current award winners, Canada Reads titles etc.) may also not be fulfilled as they are in demand by the owning library.
  • You can also try and find an eBook copy of your book club read on the Libby App, or you can visit a library within the District of Muskoka.

We cannot guarantee your book will arrive for a specific date, please order your book club books with plenty of time to spare.

Terms and Conditions
  • There is a limit of 5 interlibrary loan requests per month per cardholder.
  • Interlibrary loan materials can be renewed once for 2 weeks. Renewal requests must be made 7 days before the due date. *Note* Renewal requests are determined by the owning library, not all renewal requests may be accepted.
  • You can request all types of library materials including: books, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks on CD and microfilm.
  • You cannot request materials that Huntsville Public Library already owns, with the following exceptions:
    • Materials for a book club.
    • Items that have been lost or damaged.
  • Items you request must be at least 12 months old. If there is a title that you would like that was published recently, consider making a purchase request through your library account.
  • Requests of rare, fragile, or valuable materials are at the discretion of the owning library and may or may not be filled. 
  • Loan periods are set by the owning library.
  • Requested materials may take 3 to 6 weeks to arrive.
  • Not all interlibrary loan requests can be fulfilled.
  • Overdue charges for interlibrary loan materials are $1 per day per item.
  • If you do not pick up your interlibrary loan request, you may be charged a No Pick Up Fee of $5.
  • The owning library sets costs to replace lost or damaged materials.
  • Please be advised: Failing to observe these Terms and Conditions may result in losing interlibrary loan privileges.
Interlibrary Loan Policy
View Our Interlibrary Loan Policy

 Library Hours

Day Hours
Sunday  CLOSED
Monday 10 AM - 6 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 6 PM
Friday 10 AM - 6 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 4 PM


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