Services for You

book bundles logo with book graphic
Book Bundles

Are you looking for something to read, listen to or watch? Let us do the work for you! Fill out a form for 5-10 items to be placed on hold for you to pick up with our Library-to-Go service. Book Bundles are available for kids and teens.

Books for Newborns Logo
Books for Newborns
Huntsville Public Library is proud to partner with Books for Newborns Muskoka to provide books and information to new parents and their babies in Huntsville and the surrounding area.
Line drawing of book
Drop Box

Our drop box is available 24/7 for you to return your library materials. Find details about how to return items and which borrowed items can be returned in the drop box. (Note: Please do not put donations into the book drop)

hand holding a pencil and paper
Exam Proctoring

The Huntsville Library offers exam invigilation services for students wishing to write tests and exams.

interior shot of friends room with tables and chairs
Facility Rentals

The Huntsville Public Library offers a meeting space for rent in our Friends Multipurpose Room.

line drawing of book above a building with three people figures inside
Get Involved

Interested in learning about the Library Board?  Would you like to volunteer with Friends of the Library?  This is the page for you!  It is teeming with information about the library.

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Hours of Operation

View our hours of operation.

Book with ILL on it going over Ontario
Interlibrary Loan

Are you looking for an item that our library does not have in its collection? We can borrow items from other libraries in Ontario for you through Interlibrary Loan.

You can request up to 5 interlibrary loans per month.

4 library cards
Get a Library Card

Library cards are available for adults, teens and children who meet the eligibility requirements. Visit the library in person to apply for and get a library card.

line drawing of vehicles around a circle that has 5 library logos inside
Neighbouring Libraries

Residents of Muskoka can go to any library in the District to get a free library card so they can borrow materials.

hand holding a phone
Tech Help

Need some help with your device? We are pleased to offer Tech Help with computers, tablets, phones, eReaders and more.

woman reading a book
Visiting Library Service

Visiting Library Service (VLS) provides a range of library materials to residents unable to get to the Library due to chronic illness or disability. Staff select materials based on a users interests and drop off items once a month. 

icon of a wifi symbol and printer
Wireless Printing

Huntsville Public Library offers wireless printing from your mobile device or laptop.

 Library Hours

Day Hours
Sunday  CLOSED
Monday 10 AM - 6 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday 10 AM - 6 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 6 PM
Friday 10 AM - 6 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 4 PM


Drop Box is available 24/7


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